Welcome to Siena Heights University’s Safe Campus page. The University’s highest priority is the safety of its students, faculty, staff and guests. We have created this page to keep the University community informed about our current COVID-19 alert level and response practices for our Adrian Campus.
Current COVID-19 Alert Level:
Siena Heights University’s Adrian campus follows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Community Level protocols. The Adrian campus alert level can be low, medium, or high and is determined by the University’s active COVID-19 cases and local Lenawee County data.
The Adrian campus is currently at low level.
Current Covid-19 Response Practices:
Students, faculty, and staff who test positive for COVID-19 should report to Sister Emmy Choge, Director of Student Health, by email (echoge1@sienaheights.edu) or phone (517-264-7190). All individuals who need to isolate are expected to do so off-campus. If there is an extenuating request for impacted students to isolate on campus, the request will be determined by Sister Emmy and the Residence Life members of the COVID-19 Taskforce. If such a need arises outside of clinic hours, students should call Public Safety at 517-264-7800 for immediate assistance.
We have a limited number of COVID-19 testing kits for the Winter 2023 semester. Therefore, the Student Health Clinic will prioritize the remaining supply to our highest institutional needs. If a student needs to be tested for COVID-19, they can come to the Student Health Clinic during posted hours of operation. If a student needs testing and the clinic is closed, they should isolate until they can be tested in the Student Health Clinic or find an alternative testing site. Moving forward, tests that are needed outside of the clinic will need to be acquired by off-campus resources such as the Health Department and pharmacies.
Michael Orlando, Vice President for Student Affairs, or his designee, will continue to send faculty and staff email notifications for impacted students who need to isolate or are away from campus for other reasons. Students will continue to engage remotely if they are able and are expected to communicate with their faculty and staff.
For questions or concerns about COVID-19, please contact Sister Emmy Choge. If there is a campus emergency regarding COVID-19 or otherwise, please contact Public Safety at 517-264-7800 immediately.
To access the CARES Act Student Aid Report #1, click here.
To access the CARES Act Student Aid Report #2, click here.
To access the CARES Act Student Aid Report #3, click here.
To access the CARES Act Student Aid Report #4, click here.
To access the CARES Act Student Aid Report #5, click here.
To access the CARES Act Student Aid Report #6, click here.
To access the CARES Act Student Aid Report #7, click here.
To access the CARES Act Institutional Report #1, click here.
To access the CARES Act Institutional Report #2, click here.
To access the CARES Act Institutional Report #3, click here.
To access the CARES Act Institutional Report Addendum A.3, click here.
To access the CRRSA Act Student Aid Report #1, click here.
To access the CRRSA Act Student Aid Report #2, click here.
To access the CRRSA Act Institutional Report #1, click here.
To access the ARP Act Student Aid Report #1, click here.
To access the ARP Act Student Aid Report #2, click here.
To access the ARP Act Student Aid Report #3, click here.
To access the ARP Act Institutional Report #1, click here.
To access the ARP Act Institutional Report #2, click here.
To access the ARP Act Institutional Report #3, click here.
To access the ARP Act Institutional Report #4, click here.
To access the ARP Act Institutional Annual Report, click here.