Owens Community College and Siena Heights University recently formalized an articulation agreement creating a seamless transfer path for Owens graduates to complete their bachelor’s degree online with SHU.
“We are pleased to offer Owens Community College graduates the opportunity to complete their bachelor’s degree online with Siena Heights University,” said SHU President Sister Peg Albert, OP, PhD. “We are excited about this collaboration with Owens Community College.”
The articulation agreement is designed to provide Owens Community College graduates equal consideration with other students seeking admission and financial aid. Credit completed at Owens will transfer toward a SHU baccalaureate degree in Applied Science, Business Administration and Community and Human Services.
“We are proud to partner with Siena Heights University on this agreement,” said Dione Somerville EdD, president, Owens Community College. “Owens remains committed to providing pathways that lead to meaningful student outcomes and this partnership is further demonstration of that commitment.”
In addition, the articulation agreement also provides eligible Owens Community College employees a discounted tuition rate for SHU undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
For the eighth consecutive year, SHU’s undergraduate Online Learning Program was ranked nationally by the U.S. News and World Report. And for the fifth consecutive year, Siena Heights was the top-rated in Michigan among all institutions. Siena Heights tied for 34th among all public and private institutions.
The Siena Tuition Advantage price certainty plan provides a two-year fixed tuition plan for all students in the College of Arts and Sciences, the College for Professional Studies and the Graduate College.
Siena Heights also offers online and on-campus graduate programs upon completion of a bachelor’s degree. For more information about Siena Heights University, please visit start.sienaheights.edu.