Siena Heights University is seeking speaker nominations for its annual Issa Lecture Series on sustainability. The William Issa Endowment was created to memorialize William Louis Chapin Issa of Shaker Heights, Ohio, June 7, 1985 – June 25, 2009. Past speakers have addressed a diversity of topics, ranging from agroecology to sustainable energy sources, species conservation to preparation for climate change. Each speaker has brought both national stature and a unique perspective that served as a foundation for in-depth discussions of the topic. 

We invite SHU students, faculty and staff, as well as members of the broader community to submit their recommendation for potential speakers. We ask that you submit: 

1. Name of proposed speaker

2. Rationale for bringing them to campus

3. A link to their biography and work

4. Speaker’s contact information

5. Any connections you might have to that individual

6. Your name and contact information 

Submit your nomination today!

Your submission will be via this webform; the deadline for submission is Monday, October 17, 2024 at 5 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Lake (, Associate Professor of Environmental Science. We look forward to seeing your ideas and suggestions.